.. critical knowledge generates rebellious bodies

WorkBook Spring 2017

...critical knowledge generates rebellious bodies, Undisciplinary Learning WorkBook April 2017, Design: Daniela Burger & Toni Brell.

The first undisciplinary learning WorkBook emerges from collective readings of the linked histories of worker’s movements, emancipatory education, and antifascist resistance, which are recorded in the novel The Aesthetics of Resistance (Peter Weiss, 1975 – 1981). Artists, educators, thinkers, and activists use the book as material for learning as a movement through time and space: They reflect on reading groups as schools of political imagination, ask what today’s struggles against fascism can learn from those of the past and activate decolonial ties between indigenous philosophies and intersectional pedagogies. The critical formations that the contributors instigate, decentralize knowledge from institutions of culture and education, challenging their social hierarchies and coloniality. These unruly forms of knowledge and relationships actively nurture histories and futures as possibilities of being in the world together.

Contributors: Bini Adamczak, Claudia Firth, Nino Halka, Suza Husse, Achim Lengerer, Gabriel Rossell-Santillán, Ferdiansyah Thajib

Editors: Nino Halka, Suza Husse, Ferdiansyah Thajib – District*School without Center

Design: Daniela Burger & Toni Brell

Published by
 Archive Books & District*School Without Center

Languages: English and German

Price: 8 €
Shipping: 2 €

All issues are available for free download at www.archivebooks.org and www.district-berlin.com.


p. 1 Nino Halka, Suza Husse, Ferdiansyah Thajib Decentering the Aesthetics of Resistance

p. 4 Claudia Firth and Achim Lengerer Collective Reading as Political Act

p. 11 Bini Adamczak Wiederholung und Widerstand

p. 16 Gabriel Rossell-Santillàn und Nino Halka Metazoalein: Aus Zungen, Muskeln und Oberschenkeln zusammengesetzt

ARBEITSBLATT Gabriel Rossell-Santillàn Wie ich indegenes Wissen mit Kindern performativ teile


Team – Editors: Nino Halka, Suza Husse, Ferdiansyah Thajib – District*School Without Center; Design: Daniela Burger & Toni Brell; Editorial Assistant: Eva Storms; Proof reading: Johanna Ekenhorst; Printing: We make it – Risograph Printing & Design, Berlin.

© 2021 the authors, editors, Archive Books and District*School without Center

26 Pages
210 x 297 mm

€ 10

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