Studio Talk with Karina Griffith and Joseph N. Clarke

Studio Talk
Tuesday, April 3, 6.30 pm
In the studio talk Karina Griffith, District Studio Grant holder 2018, gives insight into her artistic practice as well as into her research on Black German film production around 1968. Inspired by the film “They Call It Love” (1972) by Ghanaian King Ampaw, she follows the footsteps of Black and PoC filmmakers* in order to expand the genealogies of Black-authored cinema in Germany. In her project, she examines the decolonial role of the moving image and investigates how the apparatus itself can be decolonized. The transdisciplinary studio talk should offer an open forum for the reflection, advancement, and interconnection of the artistic practice of Karina Griffith.
Griffith’s films and installations explore the themes of fear and fantasy. At the same time, she is interested in the connections between identity and the migrant perspective. In 2017 she curated the festival In 2017 she curatated the festival Republik Repair: Ten Points, Ten Demands, One Festival of Reparatory Imaginings from Black Berlin at Ballhaus Naunynstraße.
She is a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto’s Cinema Studies Institute where her research on Black authorship in German cinema interacts with theories of affect, intersectionality and creolization.
Joseph Clarke freelances in digital education in Berlin. Before coming to Berlin to volunteer with grassroots organizations engaged with the “refugee crisis,” he earned a Masters in Human Rights and International Law from the School of Public Policy at University College London. He also was an assistant professor of postcolonial Studies at the University of Pennsylvania and at Rice University.
With kind support from Berliner Landeszentrale für politische Bildung.