Feministische Recherchegruppe zum Gesundheitswesen im Spinnboden während unseres ersten Treffens 2015

Gesundheitsrecherchegruppe, 2015
Feminist health care research group (Alice Münch, Emilia Muller-Ginorio, Feli Reuschling, Inga Zimprich, Isabell Gross, Isabella Schiele, Julia Bonn, Julia Entner, Tijana Stevanovic)
Sick Leave
Internal research meeting, 23–25 November
Political Feelings
Workshop, 28 November, 14–19 h
In English
Participation is limited to 15 people, we aim to address those feeling as women* and queers. Please register by emailing to post@district-berlin.com before Thursday 26th. We can offer child care for those who would like to attend with children. If you do, please let us know until Tuesday 24 November, to give us more time to plan.
We are a group of women* artists and cultural workers, who have gathered to self-organize a collective research into health and health care and at the same time question what it means to research collectively as artists. We aim to develop independent and feminist perspectives on the broad field of health, on wellbeing, our bodies, disease and care.
In our second research meeting Sick Leave we would like to explore thinking and speaking through illness as a form of producing and sharing knowledge. Addressing health care usually takes place from the weaker position, from the place of the one in need. We would like to ask what perspective emerges through dependency and weakness, and how we can politicize this place. We would like to begin by perceiving illness as a collective means to struggle, interpreting our symptoms as articulations of critique and resistance.
During our workshop Political Feelings, we will share practices and exercises we develop during our preceding internal meeting and would like to open up the question how we can interpret our vulnerability as a point of connection. What is the political dimension of our exhaustion as cultural workers? We will work with and screen the video The Alphabet of Feeling Bad, a collaboration between the artist Karin Michalski and theorist Ann Cvetkovich.
Preceding our public workshop we will gather for the three-day long internal research meeting Sick Leave. Next to our group work we will visit the antipsychiatric information center and the naturopathic pharmacy Zieten Apotheke. On November 25th, we will join the FLIT* demonstration on the occassion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and will attend the subsequent booklaunch of In Our Own Words by International Women Space at Mariannenplatz.
The research meeting and workshop by the feminist health care research group developed out of the Open Call Queering TASTE: The art of failure is not hard to master / though it may look like a disaster and form Act V of the District series Curatorial Practices. Fields and Techniques.
Curatorial Practices: Fields and Techniques is a project series on current developments, problems and methods of the curatorial initiated by curators Suza Husse and Michaela Richter at District Berlin in 2014. Through the combination of curatorial gestures and specific workshop formats in the form of so-called Acts the series provides a platform for the reflection and reconsideration of curatorial approaches, attempts and attitudes in light of current developments. A long-term goal of these regular encounters and surveys in different formats is the lasting promotion of actual methods of artistic and cultural work that challenge established doctrines and policies by formulating extended, informal, speculative, experimental, dedicated, situated and critical points of views.