shaman poetiX

spiritual activism, pleasure activism, perreo & decolonial strategies
Yoggaton workshop and Q&A with Maque Pereyra
Saturday, 12 December 2020, 11 am
Free entry, please register by writing an email to:
I understand curatorial work as part of a collective healing process, in which the connections to other positions, practices and forms of existence can be shown and thus individual work can be located in a collective and decolonial network.
– Verena Melgarejo Weinandt
Yoggaton is yoga & reggaeton. Spiritual and pleasure activism and intense perreo. Yoggaton is a movement practice that works at physical, emotional, mental, spiritual & decolonial levels. In the workshop we will go through the practice of Yoggaton and it’s multilayered aspects and inputs. Practical and theoretical materials on decolonial strategies, intersectional feminism, spirituality and perreo as empowerment tools will be shared.
The aim of this workshop is to deepen the understanding of embodied knowledge and the empowerment it brings with. The importance of the body as a container of wisdom has been systematically relegated by Western standards of knowledge. We are going to link theoretical knowledge that precisely comes from authors who work with and from the body to awaken the wisdom of our own bodies by emphasizing the intersectionalities that compose those theories in regards to the particularities of the group and the individuals.
Meditation and perreo for empowerment!
Curated by Verena Melgarejo Weinandt. The workshop is part of the event series Feminist MagiX. Dekoloniale Einlassungen/Decolonial Inlets, accompanies the exhibition Disturbance: witch curated by Alba D’Urbano and Olga Vostretsova at the Zentrum für Aktuelle Kunst (ZAK) in the Zitadelle Spandau Berlin. The event series is supported by Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung and realized in cooperation of Academy for Transcultural Exchange, Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig, Büro für kulturelle Übersetzungen, District Berlin, Gunda Werner Institute for Feminism and Gender Democracy in the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the Research Training Group „Knowledge in the Arts”, Berlin University of the Arts.